Social Media for NGO

Social Media for NGO: Tips, Guide, Platform, Strategy, Tricks etc.

Jul 13, 2024 Manya Bhatia No Comments
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Social media is a platform that offers solutions to numerous problems, without any doubt about it. It serves as a potent tool for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as it can help to expand the reach of NGOs, amplify their mission, and boost engagement. The digital landscape presents a wide range of opportunities to increase reach on social media for NGOs, such as enabling them to enhance their visibility, mobilize resources, and foster community interaction. With the help of social media platforms, NGOs can widen their audience and spread awareness to a larger number of people. It is a resource that cannot be overlooked by anyone working within an organization.

In this article, we will deeply talk about what is social media, what is the role of social media, what are the benefits of social media and what content should be added to various social media platforms.

What is Social Media?

Social media is a platform where people share their thoughts, ideas, images, text, and videos with a virtual community. Due to this platform, there is interaction, engagement, and collaboration with other users and thus people are connected to the whole world. We can easily get a lot of information on social media, whether it is news or educational content. Social media is important as it can increase visibility, get financial help, volunteer help or increase awareness about their cause. NGOs can also run their own social media campaigns, for better results an effective social media strategy should be planned. The campaigns that are run on social media are what we call ads are called social media marketing. 

What are the roles of Social Media for NGOs?

Social media plays an essential role for the NGOs because it helps them in many ways. Some points are listed below to explain it better:-

1. Wider Audience: Due to social media, NGOs can spread their cause or address any issue like Human Rights Day, World No Tobacco Day, child labour, child abuse etc. worldwide without any geographical boundary. NGOs can share educational content like articles, blogs, videos, and other useful content.

2. Building Communities: Creating pages on social media platforms like Facebook, and Instagram page to encourage active participation. This can include stories of NGOs, celebrating a day, achievements, anniversaries, or birthdays. Maintaining the page by posting daily updates and interacting with followers will lead to a sense of belongingness!

3. Enlarge Engagement: Engagement can be increased by regularly posting some new, engaging or interesting content. This can be done in many ways like hosting a live stream, question and answer session, conducting a survey for any suggestions or improvements, participating in group discussion, responding to comments or queries. Sharing short videos on events which were organized. Teaching children, celebrating an occasion, and providing real-time updates will build a loyal and engaged community.

4. Fundraising Opportunities: Social media is a powerful tool for NGOs in terms of Fundraising. It provides multiple ways to raise funds like crowdfunding campaigns, donations, peer-to-peer fundraising or by running a campaign. By spreading worldwide, It will not only larger the audience but also increase fundraising potential to find the best donor possible.

5. Volunteer Recruitment: Social media can serve as a platform for NGOs where they can easily connect with volunteers, supporters, and interns who want to hone their skills or learn something new. To find such people, NGOs can post testimonials on their social media, post employment opportunities, success stories with previous members, how volunteers will become a helping hand for the NGO and what benefit will be provided etc. 

What are the Benefits of Using Social Media?

1. Educational Realm: Because of social media, NGOs can educate many people by posting blogs, articles, images, videos etc. Content should be attractive and engaging so that people find it useful. NGOs can launch an educational campaign to learn better about the cause and educate people globally.

2. Profitable Marketing: Traditional marketing seems expensive, but social media marketing is cost-effective. With the help of social media marketing, people, places, areas etc. can be targeted in real-time. Even with a limited budget, better results and targeting can be achieved because all that matters is how strategies are created and executed.

3. Storytelling: There are many platforms on social media where you can share your stories, experiences etc. As a vast audience connector, you can share your progress, issues, achievements etc. Sharing the stories of beneficiaries, volunteer work, and funds utilized will help to build transparency and accountability.

4. Collaboration: Because of social media, NGOs can connect with government organizations, other NGOs and social media influencers, which will help them to increase the impact and tap new audiences. Influencers can also help by posting the campaign, experiences, reviews etc. about the NGO on their social media handles which will boost the growth and visibility.

What type of Content should be posted on Social Media Platforms?

Content is the most important issue for those taking social media platforms. The content should always be engaging, attractive, and unique. Some content ideas are listed below for every social media platform:-

1. Facebook

You can post a story on Facebook about how an individual or community has benefited from the work of the NGO. You can post any story of upcoming events, campaigns, fundraisers, and workshops to encourage others to participate. Share any informative articles, blogs, and videos related to the cause on your story to create awareness and educate the audience.

2. Instagram

On Instagram stories, you can tell about your projects, team members, and volunteers, and you can also tell which projects are going on and share some of their information. You can click the picture of campaigns, events, and workshops and show it off by putting its highlight in the main. Candid moments and behind-the-scenes glimpses can also be shown so that transparency is maintained.

3. Twitter

You can post quick updates, announcements, and news related to the NGO’s activities on X (formerly known as Twitter). Respond to those people who have retweeted, sent a direct message or mentioned your organization. Host or participate to create awareness of NGO-related missions or causes. By doing this, networking opportunities and meaningful discussions will be created as well as visibility will be increased.

4. LinkedIn

Show your partnership on LinkedIn whether with influencers, shareholders or with other beneficiaries, and show your industry insights related to your NGO mission. Publish articles or blogs written by members of the organization. We can share solutions, insights, and opinions related to the field. Post job openings, volunteer opportunities or any other position available in NGO.

What are the Social Media Strategies?

Social media strategy is very important to grow a social media account. Some strategies are listed below:-

  • State Objectives: Identify what objective you want to accomplish through social media. Objectives such as increasing followers, seeking funds or donations, attracting volunteers or interns, or educating people about your mission.
  • Know your Viewers: It is very significant to know your viewers or audience.  Demographic factors such as age, gender, interest, and location must be understood for an effective strategy.
  • Select Right Platforms: Selecting a social media platform is an essential task, you should always select a platform that meets your requirements and objectives and is the preferred platform for your audience.

How NGO Feed help You?

NGO FEED is a platform that supports other NGOs and individuals in their growth. It provides valuable information beneficial for other NGOs, as well as non-profit organizations (NPOs), in their respective fields. The organization has positively impacted many people by encouraging them to share their success stories and news. This exclusive platform is dedicated solely to NGOs and provides comprehensive support. The platform offers numerous benefits, including the ability to share stories and news, and it also compiles a list of the best NGOs, which is published on their website.

NGO Feed: Digital Solution

NGOFEED’s Digital Solution is a platform designed to elevate your social media presence. The platform offers comprehensive guidance on how to get started, the best practices for effective social media strategies, audience targeting, content creation, and boosting engagement across various social media platforms. In addition to social media services, it also provides website development, content writing, search engine optimization (SEO), graphic design, and advertising services on Facebook, Google, and Instagram.

If you want to reach a larger audience on social media and benefit your organization, connect with NGOFEED today!

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