Share your NGO’s Success Stories
You can share your NGO/NPO success stories in our portal using the NGOFeed #shareyourstories platform. Did you know that the best part of our NGO Success Stories platform is that you can increase your nonprofit’s reach in India for free? So, why wait? Share Your NGO Success Story Today!
About Share your NGO’s Success Story
NGO Success Story: Are you an NGO and doing lots of work for our society in several fields, like providing education to low-income families, helping all the needy people in health care, women empowerment, consumer protection, human rights, health, environment, or social development? After all this trouble and all this hard work for our society. Do you ever consider how others perceive you and how you inspire them to help those in need and improve our society?
Several NGOs in India invest massive amounts in reaching more people. But do you know that several NGOs are doing a lot of hard work for our society, but their work is not shown anywhere because they have limited reach? What will you do if you want to reach more people to increase your work awareness and stories? You chose the advertisement. It sounds like suitable Newspaper ads, Publishing news or stores in a news portal, Banner advertisements, etc. You know it’s very costly. You must pay if you choose to publish your stories on the news channel after giving 100% to our society.
Our Solution
We are “NGOFeed” are starting a “#shareyourstories” campaign, Where any NGO/NPO can share its success stories in our portal to reach more people in India & globally free of cost; yes, you heard right, free of charge. You have to fill out the form with all the required details. Our Team will research your work and publish your stories in our portal. We make you one step closer to reaching more people.
NGO’s Story
A Seed of Hope Takes Root: The Goodwill Foundation NGO Success Story
Goodwill Foundation NGO Success Story: Anika was a young woman with fire in her eyes who lived in a lively…
Cancer Aid and Research Foundation NGO Success Story: How They Work to Defeat Cancer
Cancer Aid and Research Foundation Success Story: On November 24 2023, there was a distinct vibrancy in the crisp Mumbai…
Equipping Dreams: The Udaar Foundation Empowers Students
Udaar Foundation: A different kind of heat emanated from a small packed classroom as the midday sun beat down ruthlessly…
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is any NGO & NPO can share success stories in NGOFeed?
Yes, any NGO/NPO can share their NGO success stories on our portal (NGOFeed).
How to apply for NGOFeed ShareYourStories?
Here are the steps for applying the ShareYourStories; follow these steps:
Step 1: For Share NGOs Sucess Strories Click here.
Step 2: After successfully submitting the application form with all the required details.
Step 3: The NGOFeed team will contact you for the following process, and our team will share your NGO stories. -
NGOFeed Share Your Story Campaign is costly?
No, it is not expensive. Our “#shareyourstories” campaign is free of cost.