Animal Protection Society is a non-governmental animal welfare organization in Udaipur, Rajasthan, established on 11 September 2021, that provides medical assistance to homeless and wounded animals and birds. Their primary focus is rescuing and treating stray animals that are injured or ill and deprived of medical support. The organization also help abandoned animals to find a happy shelter to live peacefully. The main objective is to support the street animals through rescue missions and first aid drives and enlighten the citizens about respecting the animals.
APS accumulates the resources in the workforce, medications, raw materials, veterinary assistance, and donations from individuals who wish to contribute to the betterment of the furry lives suffering from ailments and cruelty. APS believes in carrying compassion and love for the voiceless animals who deserve unconditional happiness. The non-profit organisation’s mission is to reach out to all stray animals and provide them with food, shelter, and medical care as and when required.
APS Initiatives
- Animal rescues/adoptions
- Stray dogs/cats first aid drives
- Feeding programs for homeless animals
- Preparing and collecting rice, lentils, and dry food
- Carrying out awareness camps at schools, colleges, public places, corporate spaces, etc.
Fighting against animal cruelty
What does the Animal Protection Society Do?
Rescues: The fundamental goal of the Animal Protection Society is to rescue animals in distress by lending them a comforting hand. They are always available to rescue stray animals in need, mainly focusing on those injured or ill on highways or in villages that are deprived of medical assistance. APS members ensure the safety of the animals in case of any emergency.
Adoptions: The organization facilitated the adoption of homeless puppies and abandoned dogs so they can be a part of the family too. They arrange new homes with loveable families for the street puppies and the abandoned dogs/cats so that they can lead happy life away from the brutality.
Awareness Campaigns: APS has taken a step forward to educate the masses about valuing each animal unconditionally through various campaigns. The nonprofit organizes awareness campaigns and events frequently to carve compassion and humanity amongst the residents to emphasize the significance of safeguarding the animals from brutality and offering them the love they deserve.
Helping Animals in Contingencies: APS celebrates all the festivities by feeding their homeless buddies. In case of any calamity or extremity, they ensure the safety of the furry friends living helplessly on the streets. During these lockdowns, APS fed more than 400 street animals daily, including dogs, cats, donkeys, cows, pigs, etc.
Reflective Collars cum First Aid: Most accidents are caused by the driver’s inability to see the animal at night. Due to this, human and animal life must pay a lot of damage & sometimes have to lose their life. The APS developed an initiative to wear reflective collar belts on all highway dogs and cows of Udaipur to reduce the chances of road accidents at night.
Every Sunday, the nonprofit organization tie reflective colours of radium to the homeless dogs and cows living on the highway so that they do not become victims of road accidents at night. Animal Protection Society provides first aid to sick and needy animals and birds.

Action against Animal Cruelty:- Whenever they find anyone hurting or abusing a homeless animal, the nonprofit organization take legal action under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1960.
General Activities: The APS’s other activities involve water bowl drives, food drives, vaccination drives, and taking immediate recourse against animal cruelty.
Water Bowls Projects: Hundreds of street animals and birds die yearly from a lack of drinking water. Animal Protection Society started an initiative to place and distribute large and small water bowls in the needed area of the city during the summer season for birds and animals to ensure no homeless animals or birds go thirsty.
Save Sparrow Mission: The common house sparrow is one of the most common birds in the environment and one of the more well-known avian friends of people. It has changed through time alongside us.
Once a highly common sight, this bird has been declining over much of its natural range in recent years, both in urban and rural areas. The decreasing population of house sparrows is a sign of the environment’s ongoing degradation. More than a thousand sparrow houses with water bowls and food feeders were placed.
Animal Protection Society Success Story
The Animal Protection Society in Udaipur has accomplished 2101 domestic and wild animal rescues. Dr Mala Mattha, the founder, and Vishal Hiloriya, the co-founder, are doing fantastic work for these voiceless. Animal Protection Society primarily aims to rescue animals from villages without medical facilities. They incorporate a radius of about 100 kilometres around Udaipur, Rajasthan. Most animals rescued are dogs, pigeons, birds, Goats, cows, and monkeys.
APS does not have ambulances available; they have been travelling in an auto, loading auto, and if there are any small animals there or they will ride two-wheelers to rescue them.
At first, rescues are handled by Vishal Hiloriya and Dr Mala Mattha. They now have rescue team members. Bhawna Jain, Avichal Gandhi, Gaurav Pandey, Kiran Bhavsar, Love Sharma, Ravi Kumawat, Deepankar Sanwariya, Rukmani Jain, Manish Panchal, Naresh Janwa and Ameya Rakesh Bhavsar are the team members’ names. And this phrase suits their belief that there is always a way where there is a will. It is stated that even a lack of resources or money cannot stop when the spirits are high.
By reaching this milestone, Animal Protection Society Udaipur set an example.
A big round of applause goes out to my team members who are always there for me whenever I need them, with special appreciation going out to the co-founder Vishal Hiloriya who has always helped me through tough times.