NGOs in Skill Development: Role, Impact, Challenges, Objective, NGOs Works, etc.
Disha Gupta
NGOs in Skill Development: In today’s world, things change so quickly that sometimes it feels like people’s skills just aren’t …
World Lung Cancer Day 2024: Cause, Theme, Importance, Why to celebrate and more.
Disha Gupta
World Lung Cancer Day 2024: We’re here today to raise awareness of lung cancer, one of the most important health …
World Hepatitis Day 2024: Theme, History, NGOs Work, Why Celebrate etc.
Disha Gupta
“Health is not just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying. Let’s think and talk …
Digital Marketing for NGOs 2024: Importance, Role, Benefits, How Nonprofit Grow etc.
Disha Gupta
Digital Marketing for NGOs: Do you stay current with the advancements in technology? Digital marketing is more than just a …
NGO in Food and Nutrition: Role, NGO’s work, Importance and more
Disha Gupta
NGO in Food and Nutrition: When a large chunk of people is either obese or facing malnutrition, nutrition should be …
NGOs in Tourism: The importance and impact of NGOs’ work
Disha Gupta
NGOs in Tourism: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are liberated, non-profit arrangings that work outside the direct control of governments. They are …